Ignore Deleted Episodes behavior

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.2.3
OS: Linux Mint 18.1
((Debug logs)):
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:
I had a situation recently where Sonarr was offline for a few weeks. When I brought it back online I noticed that none of the episodes we deleted while it was offline were ignored. I had to go in and manually toggle the monitored status. Now that Sonarr is online anything new that downloads is working fine. It’s only the stuff we deleted while it was offline so I was just curious if there is anything built into that feature that would explain why that happened?

Going through manually is fine but it takes a while because I have to figure out which episodes we deleted while it was offline vs new episodes that came out while it was offline so I don’t miss any episodes.

Sonarr would see it was deleted when the disk scan happened, as long as the series folder exists it will pick it up.

That’s the weird part is that when I looked at the episodes on the history tab Sonarr already showed them deleted yesterday but they were still being monitored. I also tried to manually kick off an update series info and scan disk but it didn’t help. It’s not a huge issue and I didn’t have trace logging so I’m not seeing much happening in the logs. Plus this is a pretty weird set of circumstances where Sonarr was off for a few weeks. If I ever run into this again I’ll see about getting some trace logs. Thanks so much for the reply.

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