If cutoff is unmet, only upgrade if at least cutoff quality is found

I love the cutoff feature, I think it’s pretty great. But it’s also quite frustrating as it generates a lot of extra traffic. I understand that there’s the delay profiles but that doesn’t work for something that you want quickly, but you’ll eventually want a the blu ray version of, as you end up re-downloading it loads of times.

I often find that as a series is running I’ll want it straight away, but sometimes I might wait a while before I watch it (or may even just want the blu ray version later). I’d still like it to get it straight away just in case I want to watch it. So, I set a load of qualities to be sure that it grabs something. Still, I’ll want the cutoff to be BluRay because that’s the ultimate target.

Say your profile is the following:

BR 1080p <---- cutoff
BR 720p
Web-DL 1080p
Web-DL 720p
HDTV 1080p
HDTV 720p

This can in some cases result in the same episode being downloaded up to 6 times (though that’s pretty rare, more often than not it’ll be 2-3). This is pretty annoying as generally once you’ve got it and it’s just aired, you’re happy to accept a lower quality one.

Instead of it going all the way through the list, sometimes upgrading in small increments, it would be great if there was a checkbox to say “only upgrade if at cutoff level”. That way, it would only download it a maximum of 2 times - once for the quick “it’s just released, I want it now” time and once for the actual target quality you really want.

How this isn’t in already is beyond me

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