Hello everyone!
Now I’m familiar with sonar, but there’s one thing I can’t do or set up.
A Synology Nas server has 2 shared folders.
One folder contains Docker, which runs Sonarr, and Jackett, and qBittorrent.
The other shared folder contains the media libraries, divided into 4 categories.
In Jackett, I set the torrent page from which I want to download, it works.
I set up the download client in Sonarr, it also works.
I set up the root directories in Sonarr, all four of them.
I also saw the previous media files when I specified the root directories as well
it also shows the existing series when importing.
When I search for a new series, it finds them without a problem.
When I select the series I want to download, I can select it
to which of the four root folders do I want to download it.
When I selected which root folder I wanted the download to, qBittorrent
it starts downloading, but not to the selected folder, but to a folder called downloads.
Can someone help me with what and where and how I should set it up so that
to download what I selected to the root folder and not to the folder called downloads?
Sorry for the question, but as I wrote, I’m a beginner in Sonarr, I’m just getting to know it.
Thank you for your help in advance.
(my English is not correct, but I hope I managed to describe it in a way that is understandable)