Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): N/A
OS: Windows 10 x64 Enterprise
Debug logs: N/A
sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to
hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post
them directly here)
Description of issue: So the HDD, where the root folder of all my series is, just died. I can easily replace it but my worries is that it would refresh all the series info in Sonarr’s database wherein my unwatched episodes would go “unmonitored” already. All of the downloaded episodes that I have are unwatched because every time I watch an episode I immediately delete it.
Re-downloading all these is not a problem for me but how do I go about not losing the precious database I have in Sonarr? Since I haven’t replaced the HDD yet, Sonarr naturally detects that the root folder of the series is missing and doesn’t do anything with the database. I already turned off Sonarr temporarily.
The best thing to do would be to turn of Ignore Deleted Episodes replace the hard drive and let Sonarr find out what is missing and then grab what you need. Sonarr will only be out of sync from the point in time it last scanned the series folders until the drive died (up to a 12 hour window) since it doesn’t know what you have deleted.
That makes sense, thanks. If after the 12-hour window Sonarr still sees that the root folder is missing (assuming that ignore deleted episodes is turned on), will it unmonitor all those episodes that are not found? I thought the missing root folder error message is some sort of a failsafe for Sonarr to intelligently know not to ignore deleted episodes? Or is it not the case?
No, as long as the Root Folder is missing Sonarr won’t rescan it.
Your understanding is correct.
One thing I forgot to add is Sonarr won’t rescan a series if the series folder is missing, so you’ll also want to tell Sonarr to create missing series folders so it can rescan the folder and figure out what is missing.
I did what you suggested and it worked fine except for one thing. After Sonarr download all missing monitored episodes, I tried searching for missing episodes again (twice actually) and everytime I do this it finds more and queues them up in sab.
In my understanding, I thought the first missing episode search should be enough? And if the downloads were failing they should’ve been marked as failed and Sonarr ignored them so that in the second run of the search missing episode it won’t be able to find results for these missing episodes because all possible releases were already marked as “failed”. The interval of the 2nd and 3rd searches that I did was a matter of a few hours (5 hours approximate). Does that mean in that time, there was another release that came out from my indexer?
If the files are still missing (and it doesn’t see them in the queue) then Sonarr will think they are missing and try to grab them again. Without seeing the ((debug logs)) of the second search it’s impossible to say why it was grabbed.
Notice the releases that I enclosed with a red box. They are duplicate of each other. Sonarr tried grabbing twice of the same two releases even though the first attempts already failed. Should this be happening? Sonarr should automatically blacklist failed release downloads, right?
I also checked the Wanted -> Blacklist section for the release called “Gotham.S02E08.1080p.WEB-DL.DD5.1.H.264-NTb-Obfuscated”. It was in that list twice, one at 1:48PM and one 8:19PM (consistent with the release history screenshot above). If Sonarr is following the blacklist properly, it shouldn’t have tried downloading this release for the second time even though I manually run a search for all missing episodes. I hope I’m making sense here.
if you want me to recreate this issue with debug logging enabled, let me know the procedures.
There were probably grabbed again because to Sonarr they aren’t the same release, the exact same release could be reposted and would have the same name, but a different ID/post time/etc and Sonarr would try it as well.
It’s not an issue, Sonarr is attempting to get the episode you requested, it just happens to have multiple copies with the same name out there.
I see. It’s just weird that the interval is just a few hours but I guess it could be possible. I was grabbing 200+ episodes because of what happened to my HDD and that’s worth around 700GB worth of data.
With automatic take downs they can happen quickly, but also propagation can make new content appear taken down because it hasn’t reached your servers yet. For the episode you showed I’d be surprised if those are new releases since the episode aired a year ago and there aren’t many posts less than a few months old.
Because Sonarr didn’t see them as the same release, either they are the same release and your indexer’s are reporting them as being uploaded at different times (outside an acceptable grace period) or they were actually different. The release could be uploaded twice to different groups and still have the same name.
There is a lot that goes into deciding if the release Sonarr is processing is the same as one that has been blacklisted.