How to filter OUT green (ended and all episodes downloaded)?

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Windows
OS: Windows 11
Debug logs: N/A
Description of issue:

Is it possible to create a filter to not show the ‘green shows’, ended and all episodes downloaded? I like to keep the around just in case a show is resurrected or I have a problem with a file. It would be nice to not show them from day to day. I haven’t come up with a combination that works though since the filter options don’t allow for anything ‘complex’ at all.

Well the filter to only show those results would be Status is Ended with Episode Progress equal 100, however this would need to be a negative (hide) filter, as using is not and less than respectively instead shows nothing.

You’d need to make a feature request for ‘hide’ filters though.

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