How to change sonarr api

I am trying to change my sonar api. It is not right, I know what the right one is but can’t figure out how to change it. I go there and try and delete the existing one and cannot. If I click on the api it gets in a box and changes color but I cannot change it, or delete it. I then press the little black square thing which gives me a little green check mark which then goes away, as far as I can tell does noting. Then I press the red square thing and it if I really want to reset the key. If I push the reset button it does nothing and just retiurns. I have look for anything else to push but see nothing.

So, again, now do I chane the sonarr api?

So, how do I change a bad api?

To change the API key you press the red button, which will change it then it’ll prompt you to reset it for it to take effect.

If it’s not resetting, check the logs.

Password: WDdBW82mm9

I did as you said about howto change the api. It worked 2 times and neither was the real api key.


What do you mean it’s not the real API key? It’s a randomly generated key, that is the real key.

For logs please use one of the recommended sites from the wiki, that link does not work.

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