How to blacklist small file sizes with fake metadata?

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Debian 12

I’ve recently added NZBgeek indexer as NZBplanet was not finding some TV shows.

But I’ve encountered a new problem, most of what gets downloaded (for relatively recent stuff) is extremely small file sizes <60MB. These files are mostly real, the show is there, but only the first 20 seconds of it. And the metadata for the file is fake! The runtime/duration shows a full 20 minutes, but the file is small and quits playing after 20 seconds.

I know sonarr has the quality settings area that allows whats accepted in MB/hr and MB/min but theres no option for total file size. And I suspect the fake metadata is fooling the quality profiles?
I poked around a bit at connect and custom script, but I don’t know how to utilize this.

Has anyone else encountered this issue of faked metadata and cut-off files?

How can I make it so sonarr rejects any file that is under a specific size in total? Theres no reason a 10MB file for a 1080p quality profile should ever exist for a show (at least for me, idk there might be edge cases).

This may be another problem entirely, SABnzbd downloads the entire file (confirmed with du in the incomplete folder), but when it moves it to the sonarr folder after its done downloading suddenly the mkv is only ~10MB. So I think I’ll have to figure out why SABnzbd is causing this.

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