How to begin Initial hard-link creation?

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: linuxserver Docker image

Hey, I’ve been following the guides to install Sonarr within docker.

I’m not having any issues per se, I just can’t figure out how to do the initial sync / creation of hard-links.

My Docker host has the main folder /mnt/media, with 2 subfolders

- downloads/{shows/movies} # used for Qbittorrent downloads
- sorted /{shows/movies} # Should be used for Sonarr sorted media

Here’s how I mount the directory for the Qbittorrent container:


I just realized while typing, that ^this^ might need to change to /media/downloads
EDIT: Changed it and updated all my fastresume files.

For the Jellyfin container (Obviously this doesn’t work now, since there is nothing in the sorted folder. Before I used to mount directly from the downloads folder):


And for the Sonarr container:


With all that out the way, I still don’t understand how I’m supposed to configure the Root Media folders, for Sonarr to create hard-links of media from the downloads folder, into the sorted folder?

Could anyone please advise?

Not sure which guides you’ve been following since you don’t say. There are many out there that don’t do it well. Just use Trash

I did use trash, alongside the official docs, but I still didn’t get how to import an existing library into Sonarr.

Is this what I’m missing? Replace copies with hardlinks - TRaSH Guides

I tried the command from my Docker host, but nothing interesting came out of it:

jdupes -rMX onlyext:mp4,mkv,avi "/mnt/media/downloads/shows/" "/mnt/media/sorted/shows/"
Scanning: [REDACTED] files, [REDACTED] items (in 2 specified)
No duplicates found.

No duplicates found.

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