How do you manualy add an episode you already have?

I can’t see an option anywhere. I have many episodes from before i started using sonarr. Id rather add them then re downloaded them. Bandwidth caps and all :confused:

Any ideas?


When you click “Add Series,” the top option is “Import Existing Series on Disk.”

Thanks, but what if its an ep or 2 from a series that im already monitoring?

Also, these are rared downloads from around the web. Not organized series from an an old sickbeard install or something like that.

Set a path for the Drone Factory folder (a separate path from where downloads will normally go), unrar those episodes and drop them into the Drone Factory folder.

I have a folder like that set up. I just unrared 8 eps into it. Nothing happens :confused:

EDIT: NM… that works! Thanks :smiley:

EDIT2: OK, now its not working :frowning:

EDIT:3: Works lol… Guess it takes a while for it to scan the dir?

Run every minute by default, but that can be changed in options and it can be kicked off manually via the Wanted page.

Great. Thanks! Is there anyway to do it manually for a single ep? It’s not working on a couple.

Not at the moment, you’ll have to check debug logs to see why its failing, could be an issue with the series title or parsing the season/episode numbers.

For best results you can rename the files to be Series Title SxxEyy Quality where Series title matches the series title in Sonarr and the xx/yy are the season and episode numbers respectively.

They are Louis CK HBO specials … Probably why.

eg, Louis.C.K.Oh.My.God.HDTV.x264-EVOLVE… I’ll mess around with it.

I use command line.

mv /path/to/episode/Louis.C.K.Oh.My.God.HDTV.x264-EVOLVE.mkv /path/to/media/Louis C.K/Specials/s00e0x.mkv

Then use Sonarr’s built-in organize function to rename it properly.

I just named them what sonarr said they were supposed to be, then used the option in wanted to import them.

It’s easier just to hit the “refresh” button on the series page in Sonarr. It’ll find them.