Help with hardlinking

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu 22.04
Debug logs: PrivateBin
Description of issue:
Currently, sonarr is copying files from the install location (sonarr/) and copying it to its final destination for my media server (Shows/nameOfShow/SeasonX), instead of hardlinking. In fact, Shows/ and sonarr/ have the same parent directory. This is of course annoying because I would like to save space.

Most problems with this seems to be because people containerize their stack and sonarr has trouble hardlinking because of that. However, that is not the case here. The default install directory and the final location are on the same drive, and I am not using any containers. In the logs, the error I get is: System.InvalidOperationException: Operation not permitted --- Mono.Unix.UnixIOException: Operation not permitted [EPERM].

Interestingly, this is the same error that I received when trying to hardlink when setting up radarr. Eventually I got it working, and I set up sonarr and the permissions for the directories involved in the same exact way (for radarr, files were hardlinked from radarr/ → Movies/nameOfMovie/, while for sonarr the linkage goes from sonarr/ → Movies/nameOfShow/SeasonX). The permissions for radarr/, sonarr/, Shows/, and Movies/ are all the same, and user sonarr is a part of my group called media that I am using to make permissions supposedly easier. Any idea why hardlinking might be giving me so much trouble?

Did you install this natively or with Docker? It’s kind of unclear in your story.

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