Help Setting Up Multiple Instances

I’m trying to set up two instances of Sonarr so that I can download 4k and 1080p versions of files.

I’ve tried following the guide here:

But when I tried "sc config Sonarr binpath= “C:\ProgramData\Sonarr\bin\Sonarr.exe -data=C:\ProgramData\Sonarr”

I got an error saying: “The specified service does not exist as an installed service.”

I’ve double checked and my Sonarr installation is in the same C:\ProgramData\Sonarr location.

After doing some research I read that I may have to add a /data argument into the original service but I don’t really know what that means or how to do it. Can anyone please help out? Would really appreciate it!

Did you install it as a service? Is there a Sonarr service in your list of services? If not, reinstall as a service.

edit: Figured it out, thank you!

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