Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: windows 10 pro Description of issue:
Last couple of days I’ve tried searching for anime series and it just spins forever until I cancel. Last night it did that for a while, then produced results on a subsequent attempt. Today another new anime series and just spinning. Can you help me determine the cause? May not be sonarr.
Anime series searches are going to search for each episode in each season one by one (and for each season in the series) since season packs are less common and batches can have a variety of sizes.
Would it be expected to take 30 minutes or more though? Is that normal? It seems to be loading normally now, but I have those times that seem to be occurring of unusually long searches or never giving results
If your indexer(s) are slow or they’re rate limiting then yeah, it could take a while. Look at debug/trace logs and you can see how long it takes to get results back.