
I have gingadaddy as one of my indexers.

SAB is pulling RSS feeds fine and the difference I can see is that ; rather than using apikey they use passkey and the Categories #s are different, but it does allow you to tailor your seach based on the feed url that is given to you by the indexer.

Not sure how this behavior can be changed as I’m guessing this is not normal newsnab format??

NZBdrone ;
gigadaddy,5040&extended=1&apikey= The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.


They any good? They’re not newznab based so its effort on our side to support it (which is why it doesn’t work when you try to make it work as a newznab provider).

Seems like it did work at some point as I joined back at the first of the year… I noticed the error over the past few weeks and finally took time to see what was causing it. At this time not sure why I was drawn to their indexer , but I have several config’ed so loss of one is not a big deal.

No worries, was posted not so much as a request but just FYI