Sonarr version (exact version): Sonarr Ver. Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: Asustor Data Master (ADM) Debug logs: Description of issue: Sonarr(and radarr) getting the “no files found are eligible for import” error after download is complete.
Sonar is installed on an Asustor NAS (Nimbustor 4). I have Docker installed. Using Sabnzbd and transmission as downloaders.
Anyone herer have experience using an asustor OS, ADM?
those logs dont contain that error message but they do contain this one
20-12-15 18:14:19.9|Error|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /downloads/SABnzbd_d/complete/TV/The.Mandalorian.S01E01.INTERNAL.1080p.WEB.H264-DEFLATE/
does that path exist from the machine where sonarr is running from? and does the user sonarr is running as have access to it?
The path exists. I am able to navigate to downloaded file. SABNZBD is also installed on the NAS and so is the “complete” that do downloader puts the completed download in.
I believe sonarr has access to it. I use docker to run sonarr and use portainer to manage it with a web GUI (i also have putty and can SSH in but i have used it yet). In portainer i am able to look at the container for sonarr and change the owner to administrator, which i assume corresponds to the user list on my NAS.
I have also gone to the folder that the completed files are stored and giving every group permission to read/write in it and sub folders as well as the destination folder that i want sonarr to move the file to after it renames by just going to the folder, right clicking it, selecting properties, and selecting the “permissions” tab.
Now i’m not sure if any of this is acctually what you guys mean by path exsistance and permissions, so i was also hoping someone that has messed around with Asustor’s OS (ADM) and maybe even portainer is here on this forum and is able to… “Translate” some things that pertain to other nas OS that most poeple use.
edit: Also, when looking at setup guides for sonarr with docker. it looks like they usually create a new local user and group while documenting the PUID and PGID, then create containhers through putty using the PUID and PGID. however, acter installing docker and sonarr (and radarr and Sabnzbd) those containers where automatically created without the Docker loacal user or group, and seems to run perfectly except for the who renaming and moving thing.
As far as I’m aware, if you install Sonarr/Radarr/whatever through ADM’s App Central, it will set the PUID and PGID according to the current user at the time of install.
You can check what these are in Access Control - default for admin is 999, and for administrators is also 999.
Then just make sure the environment variables for PUID and PGID are the same as those in Docker/Portainer for Sonarr, SABnzbd, and Transmission.
from within the container? the manual import from the wanted page is useful for testing this if you dont want to use docker exec -it "sonarr container name" bash , although at least that way you can actually test file creation/deletion/rename/move commands yourself to confirm they all actually work
if youre running sab and/or transmission under the same guid/puid then it shouldnt be an access issue - but - you want to confirm youre actually running under the same ids
Oh ok, thanks for clearify what it actually means by “path” I noticed it was missing last week and had added and set it to “write” ass opposed to “read”. However, it doesn’t seem to fix the problem. I left it on there since it just seemed like something that should be there lol
Ok so i just checked the containers for sonarr, radarr, SAB and they are all 999 for PUID and PGID. Interestingly, there isn’t a container for transmission, but it still works with sonarr and radarr (but still no move).
I checked my access controll and in local users Admin its PUID is 999, but for my login (discription is system administrator) is 1000. Under Local Groups both Admin and System Admin is in the Administrator group with a PGID of 999. I guess i’ll try to whange the PGID to 1000 sand see what it does.
are you sure that path is correct? it looks like its saving into /config/Downloads/.... which goes to somewhere else
what path is your download client setup to save completed files to?
realistically you have too many irrelevant volume mappings considering theyre all under the same parent host path - plus doing it that way means hard links cant work and it can only copy.
think about creating a /volume1/media path on your host and then moving everything under that. ie /volume1/media/downloads, /volume1/media/tv, etc, etc, and then just have a single /volume1/media = /media mapping and have everything configured to save/read under /media
your download client saves to /media/downloads/sab/complete, sonarr has a root path of /media/tv, plex could use /media/tv as well. it makes it easer to confirm that all your containers can see and have the same access to the /media path
doing it that way also means hard linking will work and it wont have to copy. it also makes finding issues with the containers much easier as everything is all under one common path
note - if you dont want to use a common root path you need to show the mapping for the download client so we can confirm there is a mapping in common - or failing that you created a remote path mapping in sonarr to account for the discrepancy
Yeah, that’s what I’m starting to think too. I guess that confims it. which is kinda wierd to me. it is foing into the volume1/ path. but why is Sab only showing up to /config?
Oh? Those where all created automaticlly when it was installed. In fact the whole container was created automaticlly when i instaleld it. Should i just scrap this container and follow some guides to create one?
Thats a good idea. However, it looks like i will need to change the default base folder in SabNZBD. Although the downloads are in /volume1/Docker/SabNZBD/config/Downloads/complete/tv the path in Sab setting shows /config/Downloads/..... If i manually put in the longer path starting in /volume1, Sonarr still can’t see it. The file wont even be in the /tv folder. In fact, I have no idea where the file is. I can’t physically find it.
So I’m guessing until i figure out how to change the default base folder, this might not work no matter what i do. Reading the FAQ in sab is kinda confusing for me. All they have are commands. But i’m not sure where to input them. This is the first time i’m working in an OS other than windows. so i’m wracking my brain wondering if there is a CMD in asustor’s os or if i need to SSH in, and if i do i don’t even know how to navigate it to use the commands.
Damn, feels like i’m in over my head. Im literally getting depressed everytime i ty to work on this problem. Hopefully it doesn’t turn into anxiety. I should have gotten a Synology instead of an Asustor.
you can change the base folder if you want, but really you can just hard code the path (ie start with a leading / to ignore the base path) for the sonarr (or whatever you named it) category
if you dont have access to the web interface youll need to edit the /config/sabnzbd.ini file - if this is the case let me know and i’ll post the changes you probably need to make
sounds like you have a yaml file if you didnt set anything up? so the container setups probably all in there. youll need to update that
i dont think it matters what you have, docker is docker. its a but weird at first but once you figure it out its actually quite simple but you can make it very difficult/complex if you need to