[Full Graphical Concept] Preferred Words for each TV Show

This is my first post in here!

I read different threads about preferred words feature,
however I wanted to help in the idea of how preferred words can be implemented in Sonarr.
And so, I’ve made a full graphical concept of a possible Preferred words implementation.

This concept is powerful yet simple as it will enable users to find their preferred releases whether by certain audio types, certain release group, etc…

The location to adding a new preferred word:

You press the + to add a new preferred word:

To choose preferred word, add/edit a series:

Optional, display the selected preferred words beside the profile:

As you can see, this targets both the casual users and the advanced users.

I’d like to hear your thoughts regarding this.

Thanks (^ ^)

Interesting idea, but I think ordering of words is unnecessary and a cutoff would be confusing compared to a quality profile cutoff.

The idea we’re currently envisioning is a list of words and the ability to provide a score for those words, so you could give DTS a score of 10 and 5.1 a score of 5 if and any preferred words are added together. Quality would still trump preferred words, but preferred words would allow upgrading within the quality (similar to how propers upgrade within the same quality).

Grouping of qualities within the same profile would also play a role in this feature so you could have multiple qualities in the same group and preferred words could prioritize releases within that group of qualities, that is a separate feature:



The idea the team is envisioning will do the job and is still simple.
Can’t wait to see how the score system will work, and how this feature will function as a whole.

Thanks for keeping me within the loop, and hopefully this will be released soon (^ ^)

Sounds good.
this would enable the users to download internals, better release groups, better audio, framerate, bitdept, or any other custom tags that other sites or series use.
please tell me this will be implemented per quality profile, and not as global.
how long will sonarr look for these upgrades after the airdate/cutoff? will this upgrade if the cut off quality is met, and in that quality profile is there a preferred word down the line? (2-5 days)?

can’t wait, WO-HOO :))

Like any upgrade there probably wouldn’t be a limit, we don’t impose one for anything else except propers since that’s usually unique to the release.

Within the same quality (or quality group once that’s a thing) it will upgrade, but it wouldn’t upgrade to a more preferred quality if the cutoff was already met (the cutoff would still be enforced).

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thanks for the quick reply, but in the last sentence you said the opposite thing imho.

for example, if I have webdl 1080p in the profile, and since it’s the only quaility in the profile, if it finds one release, than it means cut-off met.
If i have preferred words set up for webdl 1080p, it will upgrade constantly (within webdl 1080), as it founds matching releases with ever higher scores? even weeks later?
if that’s the case, that’s great.

is this a global score system, or per profile?


Yeah, right now the cutoff applies to the same quality, because nothing influences it to upgrade it, with this idea the cutoff would only apply for other qualities, not the same quality. It’s a bit hard to word it, as it’s a bit odd in some ways.

Yes, that’s the plan.

It’ll very likely be part of the existing release restrictions (Must Contain, Must not Contain) and linked to specific series via tags or all series if left untagged.

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that’s a great plan, can’t wait to test it! :slight_smile:


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