Fresh install Win 10, can't get Sonarr to start at bootup

I have Win 10 x64. Sonarr runs manually with no issues. My prior install of Sonarr was in the startup folder since the tv folder is on my NAS drive.

I tried a service, same problem (removed the shortcut in the startup folder). I have SABNZB in the startup folder and that works fine. I recreated the shortcut, changed to run as Admin, still won’t start. If I double click the shortcut in the startup folder it runs.

I read a bunch of topics here and on Reddit, can’t find the problem. Is there a way to debug or see the output when it tries to run the shortcut in the startup folder?

Everything would be logged in the ((log files)), as long as it’s actually being executed something should be logged there. If it’s not being executed at all, I’m not sure if there is anything in Windows logs to track down why it isn’t starting.

Nothing in the logs. I also unhid the ProgramData directory. I find it odd that Sonarr installs in that directory, most go in the Program Files directories. I recreated the Startup folder, changed the permissions to not be read only. SabNZB continues to start but not Sonarr.

Is there any Windows log or something to debug the startup folder process?

Ok, I’m getting somewhere now. I rebooted my old PC and I was wrong, it was starting as a service with a delayed start. Tried that on thew new PC, no better. But I was able to find the error in the event viewer.

It’s complaining because my PC does not have a password. I never use a password on my home PC. I’m starting to recall this issue. There’s something I have to change I think with gpedit.msc to allow blank passwords.

That solved it. Blank Windows passwords and Sonarr don’t get along. Why? What is Sonarr doing differently that other Win apps are not? It should be looked into. Nothing else I have has that issue, just Sonarr. And from reading all the Windows and startup issues with Sonarr this is probably what is causing many of the errors.

Anyways set a Windows password. Then follow this article on Cnet to autologin your PC. Sonarr now autostarts perfectly.

News to me, we don’t do anything in Sonarr to enforce that, it just runs as the user that starts it.

It must be doing some API call that invokes a security issue. Or could it be that it’s installed in ProgramData? Why is it there? No apps install there, that’s for data, the executables are in Program Files.

That shouldn’t matter.

Installing to Program Files requires admin rights to update, ProgramData or AppData does not, it’s the same reason Chrome in installed to AppData.

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