Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: ubuntu 16.04
Description of issue:
I’ve been trying to download a foreign show called “Chyłka” (Polish), but it’s being rejected due to it being an ‘Unknown series’. I’m able to search for the show manually and can see the results provided by the indexer.
I have tried searching with the default HD - 720p/1080p quality preset as well as creating my own with the same settings as the default one with the only difference being the language, which is set to Polish. This didn’t work either.
I have already filled out the online Naming Exception form. I can see the entry in the spreadsheet; does this mean that it’s still being processed or the exception has been added?
I can see that the status of the show has changed to ‘Added’ but unfrotunately Sonarr is still not downloading it due to ‘Unknown Series’ rejection. Any ideas?
Hi. I’ve just checked the manual search again and it did allow me to manually download each episode. It didn’t initialize the download by itself though (I added the show with Add & Search).
When you say not monitored, do you mean the setting which I can modify when adding the show? When adding the show I did set it to true (and it still shows as turned on).