Fix for edge case where new shows were not being grabbed

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 6.12.0
OS: aarch64
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Sonarr not grabbing new shows that display as “red” on the calendar page, and when clicked and then searched for, returns a list of possible downloads which when sent to download manager work fine.

  • Log shows no errors.
  • Delays set correctly.
  • RSS feeds working correctly.

Issue: Date of last command run stored in the database is in the future.

Turns out my Sonarr installation on my Raspberry Pi4 running aarch64 had booted up with bad ntp settings defaulting to a date 5 years in the future. Fixing the ntp server and getting the TZ issues sorted was not difficult and I was able to boot with the correct local date and time. What I didn’t realize is that while the date was borked a few tasks kicked off in Sonarr.

Opening the sonarr.db database in DB Browser for SQLite ( ), I could see that a few tasks shown in the ScheduledTasks table had their LastExecution date set far in the future:

Since there was only a handful I didn’t execute any sql but simply went in using the SQL browser UI and hand edited the dates to be in the past, basically changing the year from 2026 to 2021.

Of course before doing this you have to stop Sonarr and make a backup of the database first.

You can see that the RefreshSeriesCommand and RefreshMonitoredDownloadsCommand recently ran and downloads are now working again like they use to.

This problem has been going on for months and driving me crazy, so I’m just posting this here in the hopes that even though this is an edge case it helps someone out in the future.

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