Files showing up in Sonarr queue that were not downloaded using Sonarr


Other mkv files are suddenly showing up in the queue that I downloaded when Sonarr wasn’t even running and aren’t even on my hard drive and the only option is to delete them as import says no fie exists. I deleted one the otter day and Sonarr dueled 1 over 1 TB of backed up movie files I had on an external hard drive that was plugged in at the time. Why is this suddenly happening and can it be stopped?

You’re not using categories in your download client or you have other downloads in Sonarr’s category

I’m doing the same thing I have been doing for years and have never had this happen until the recent update.

Correct because showunknown was changed to default to reduce support issues.

The helptext for download client categories also tells you not having a category may cause this as well.

What exactly do you mean as these files are on an external hard drive?

essentially youve been getting away with not using a category, and sonarr has been nice about it. it is no longer being nice about it and is pointing it out to you because it can be an issue

ie, use a category so sonarr can tell exactly which download jobs belong to it - and dont use that category for anything else.

sonarr doesnt care who created the download job, or when it was started, it just asks your download clients to give it a list of active downloads for its category - and this is why its important to set the category up, otherwise you get everything.

So how do I create a category so it doesn’t happen?

edit your download clients in sonarr and add a category in there

for torrent clients thats it, for sab you need to setup the category in there as well

I deleted a movies category in my download client so I’ll see if that fixes it.

yep, i agree, doing something completely different to what people have been telling you to do will definitely fix it…


That will not fix it.

What is unclear about configuring a download category in Sonarr for your download client and following the help text, docs, and advise of others?

See also

I have done that. Thanks.

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