Files not post-processed - Stuck at 100% download

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 3.10.0
OS: FreeBSD jail (FreeNAS)

Description of issue:

Hi guys,

Just installed Sonarr, I was previously using SickRage.

I was having several issues with SickRage…
Skipping episodes, no support for Jackett, etc…
No support from the community, so I got fed up.

So first of all I imported all my TV Shows in Sonarr: it worked perfectly!

Then I tried to automatically search for missing episodes: it worked perfectly!

But then some episodes got stuck at 100% downloading and then nothing happened…
The download client is Transmission running in a FreeBSD jail.
The download was marked COMPLETE and in the expected folder.

Normally CouchPotato and SickRage (now Sonarr) would “post-process” the file and move them to my TV Shows directory, then notify PLEX, and all would be awesomely awesome.
But with Sonarr the files download, Sonarr reports them with a full bar (100% downloaded) and nothing happens.

I couldn’t figure out what was wrong so I tried some Google-Fu and browsing on this forum…
With a lot of digging I tried a few things

  1. Restart the program: no impact
  2. Manually refresh the series: no impact
  3. Add a “Drone Factory folder” which is my completed downloads folder (and NOT my renamed series folder) + restart Sonarr: no impact

So at this point, i don’t know what to do :frowning:

If you need logs or else, please let me know how to get them because I’m a n00b.


I’ve seen this happen on occasion, where due to the filename (or some other quirk), the show needed manually importing. When you go to the wanted tab, does it show at 100% with a little orange icon on the right hand side to import?

As for logs, it’s fairly straightforward if you have a look:
System – Logs – Files – Download

I had this happen. Turned out to be a zipped download that had completed, but hadn’t been unarchived so the video file wasn’t there. I manually extracted the rar’s and Sonarr within seconds automatically sorted and moved the video file to it’s proper place.

Hope this helps.


this actually worked!!

I went into the downloaded folder and noticed that there was no video file, only RAR files… so I just unpacked the archive, resulting in one MKV…

Then not even one minute after, the 100% download was completed and file was imported in my PLEX server.

So at this point, I found out Sonarr can’t handle my downloaded RAR files then.

How can I fix this?

There is a Github issue about implementing unrar support, but it’s a bit more complicated that you might think.

Most ppl fix it by using a post-processing script in their downloader, or avoid rar downloads altogether, those are a pain to seed anyway.

And how would you avoid downloading RAR?

I use TorrentDay (with Jackett) as my main source.

You’re not gonna like it when I tell you that the only way would be to avoid TD entirely, bummer isn’t it?

It might be worth it to investigate whether your torrent client supports some kind of pp-scripts. But I have no experience there, so can’t give you any details.

Well I find it rather interesting, is there a reason why I should avoid TorrentDay?

And would you have any better recommendation?

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