File size priority and quality

**Sonarr version

Is there a way to “encourage” Sonarr to download the smallest file size when there’s various 1080p options that fall into the acceptable range of file size? Sometimes it fetches some ridiculously large files and I have been trimming down the file size range. When I do an interactive search, I often find files that are 1080p but half the size.

In the v4 beta you can prefer smaller sizes, but 1080p at half the size means you’re getting half the bitrate.

Thank you for replying. I do understand that, which is why I do have minimums set in the profiles. I do not want bad quality but it’s frustrating when I manually search and there’s a 30 min show at 1080p which is acceptable at 2G but Sonarr decides to go for some 5G file for a 30 min show. LOL

Thank you for the info. I’ll check out that version.

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