I am only taking my first look at Sonarr so apologies if my questions are a bit dumb.
I currently run two different Sickbeard configurations; one very large one with hundreds of series that very rarely change and a smaller one with ongoing series that I download episodes for.
The large Sickbeard database includes all the series in the smaller one plus hundreds more.
In Sickbeard you can tell it to rename the files to include the quality.
These are, for example:
720p WEB-DL
1080p WEB-DL
720p BluRay
1080p BluRay
I have just done an experimental download of a couple of episodes and instead of being called “1080p WEB-DL” as in Sickbeard, it has been called “WEBDL-1080p”.
Unfortunately this seems to mean that every filename I already have is going to be wrong.
Additionally, I notice that if I then load the file back into Sickbeard that the quality is not recognised and is just shown as HD TV.
My question is therefore; is it possible to use the Sickbeard style naming convention for quality?
Everything else seems to work well and it looks like Sonarr will solve some of the issues I have with Sickbeard.
I did try experimenting with the file naming screen but couldn’t seem to find what I wanted.