File paths using docker

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Docker
OS: Asustor ADM
Debug logs:
Description of issue:
I am having difficulty in getting Sonarr to move files from NZBget and from reading support forums I suspect it’s due to file path, perhaps within my docker configuration, but can’t figure it out.

I’m using an Asustor NAS with NZBget and Sonarr installed from the included app installer. Sonarr is in docker, NZBget is not.

  1. Sonarr passes to NZBget successfully
  2. NZBget successfully downloads and unpacks to /share/Download/Sonarr
  3. Sonarr does nothing.

The Sonarr docker has the container bind /downloads to the volume /share/Download

Remote path mapping is /shared/Download/Sonarr/ to local /shared/Media/tv/
(I have also tried this as /shared/Download/)

NZBget paths variables are :
MainDir /share/Download
DestDir $[MainDir]

Log of an example (from request to downloaded, yet nothing after)

2022-03-30 11:26:35.7|Info|ReleaseSearchService|Searching indexers for [FILENAME]. 1 active indexers
2022-03-30 11:26:36.6|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 2 releases
2022-03-30 11:26:45.9|Info|Nzbget|Adding report [FILENAME] to the queue.
2022-03-30 11:26:46.3|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to Nzbget. FILENAME
2022-03-30 11:29:30.6|Info|ReleaseSearchService|Searching indexers for [FILENAME]. 1 active indexers
2022-03-30 11:29:31.6|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 2 releases
2022-03-30 11:29:34.1|Info|Nzbget|Adding report [FILENAME] to the queue.
2022-03-30 11:29:34.3|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to Nzbget. FILENAME
2022-03-30 11:29:34.4|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.
2022-03-30 11:34:00.5|Info|RssSyncService|Starting RSS Sync
2022-03-30 11:34:02.3|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 72 releases
2022-03-30 11:34:02.8|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 72, Reports grabbed: 0
2022-03-30 11:35:31.0|Info|ReleaseSearchService|Searching indexers for [FILENAME]. 1 active indexers
2022-03-30 11:35:31.9|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 2 releases
2022-03-30 11:35:31.9|Info|EpisodeSearchService|Episode search completed. 0 reports downloaded.

I’m sure the answer is simple, but I’ve exhausted things to try and places to read. Thank you!

where are people getting this config/setup from?

you never want your sonarr and download data to be in any sort of parent/child folder relationship, the potential for losing all your files is not worth it (and it doesnt provide any benefits at all).

Bought a tiny Asustor NAS to replace a huge old, inefficient tower running Ubuntu (very successfully). The reviews said everything was pre-packaged and one click the apps would drop down without any problem. Turns out this isn’t quite true! :slight_smile: My old ubuntu box is still ticking away (with SickBeard and SABnzdb with scripts), so there’s no urgency but I thought I would modernise the hardware and go with a more modern Sonarr / Radarr and NZBget.

The incorrect settings are from me incorrectly translating help documents. There are many great help / support guides out there but unfortunately none for an Asustor installation, which doesn’t allow as much control as an Ubuntu build.

So I’m muddling my way through. I have nothing on it of value and can keep wiping and re-trying, however I’m not actually sure of the question I need to ask.

Since the above I have wiped and tried to follow the guide above as much as I can… Ie. I now have volume1/data/media/tv and volume1/data/usenet/sonarr on both the container and the volume.

so with those host paths the idea is to map /volume1/data to /data in docker for all your media containers, dont go further down, that way you have a common top level path across all of them, which allows sonarr, and radarr (i think), to do moves instead of copies.

you may still need other mappings depending on the app but that one top level path for your data is all you should have for that.

you then just configure each app to use the correct subfolder of /data. ie sonarr gets a root path of /data/media/tv and nzbget is setup to download to /data/usenet/<category> (where <category> will probably be sonarr if thats what you set the category to be in sonarr for nzbget

Thank you.

So I wiped everything again. I added one show and tried one episode. This shows settings and debug log:

Host path mapped

Sonarr has a root path of:

nzbget set up to usenet folder:

and category set to sonarr

Files successfully downloaded

Each of those folders contains valid files that open and play.

Debug log file for the test of that example is here

Those logs don’t show anything at all relating to an import or any issues.

at the very hand it shows the download being tracked.

Your revised docker paths are poor. Why did you do exactly what the docker guide and TRaSH’s tutorial say to not do? Why do you have /downloads and multiple mounts when it’s explicitly said to not have those? It seems you just completely ignored the docker docs?

Thank you for your reply, however I’m sorry but this is what I don’t understand. I am trying to follow the guides; specifically I have \data\usenet\ and \data\media\ which is what it says here I have passed \data and \downloads in the container.

I’ve also tried following the guide and examples here

It’s a new set up that I can keep resetting - I don’t have any preferences or existing structure to maintain.

The bit I haven’t done is the docker-compose set up from fresh. This is because it’s an Asustor NAS where you select an app from the App Store and it drops in Docker and puts a Sonarr image on. I could learn how to install docker, set up accounts, permissions and pull images to have a new version that conforms to the guide but I would expect that Asustor have done something different where I would be down a rabbit hole of unknowns… and their pre-packaged set up of docker and Sonarr on it does appear to work.

rhom above suggests mapping /data to /volume1/data and to configure the subfolders in the downloader and sonarr… I think I have done that.

I’m putting the effort in to read the guides, I just don’t understand about the paths as (in my undertstanding) I am entering what the guides are asking for.

Where in the docs does it say to have /downloads?

Why are you still using /downloads when the guides repeatedly say to not have that?

I truly don’t know what is unclear and why you’re doing exactly what you’re told not to?

As far as fixing your issue with the revised paths:

It looks like NZBGet is local and not in docker at all so you’d need a remote path map.

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