File in nested folder not imported

Sonarr Ver.
SABnzbd 1.0.0

Completed folder (also Drone Folder):
Files are located like this in that folder:

Files are left in Activity tab as 100% completed, if I press Rescan Drone Folder they are also not picked up.
Have 3 more episodes like that, not obfuscated at all. Maybe the path is too long?

You’re probably pushing the limit:

The path you mentioned is already 280+ characters long…

If thats the same path that SAB Is reporting you shouldn’t set the Drone Factory to it, Sonarr will handle it all automatically, but if its in the Drone Factory folder Completed Download Handling won’t touch it.

You’ll need to look at ((debug logs)) to see why its not processing it, the nested folders shouldn’t be an issue unless the path is too long.

Indeed it’s too long, but I thought Sonarr probably has long-path support.

It is the same path, but has been working for quite some time now, Completed Download Handling takes care of it also in that folder. Only these long-named ones were a problem.

No, CDH will log that its in the Drone Factory folder and not touch it, there is almost no reason to set Drone Factory at all though, use Manual Import to import one offs.

Not currently, its something we’ll need to investigate.

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