Fails to get eps ofm The Mandolorian

This kind of thing happens whenthe TVDB hasas 0 mins being the run time as these are my quality settings

Same thing for me. Readding doesn’t fix it. TheTVDB already lists as a 60 minute show, but updating series info doesn’t fix it. I guess it’s time to upgrade and try v3.

same issue here running v3

I don’t see a runtime for that series on TheTVDB, once it is there, it’ll take a couple hours for things to update and caches to expire before Sonarr can see it.

Still shows as 0 for me after a series refresh

It`s fixed on Sonarr after a refresh but I found 60 at the runtime row in this address @markus101

Right, it’s added now, but it wasn’t there when I posted saying it wasn’t there.

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