EZTV indexer forwarding to Proxy

I’ve been using the torrent/Develop branch of Sonarr which has been working great. I just tried to add a new series, except it couldnt find any links for the episodes. I believe i’ve traced the problem to the downfall of the EZTV, since the show im trying to download is only available there. I was wondering if there was a way to edit the EZTV indexer to forward to the new proxy website and use their RSS feeds instead, https://eztv-proxy.net/ .

i dont think that site support rss feeds, so it useless for sonarr as works with the rss feeds.

Edit the indexer and you can change the URL:

But if it doesn’t support RSS it won’t be of any use.

it does not work with that proxy, i tested it

I can’t get it to work either, I keep getting NameResolutionFailure. When you manually input eztv.it, it seems to want to forward you on to ezrss.tv which doesn’t resolve.