Export Calendar to Excel (or CSV)?

Is it possible to somehow export the calendar to Excel (or a CSV file)?
I need it in a very simple format:
The rows shows the date and the columns shows the Names of the TV-Shows for that date (no times or other info).

Not directly i think as CVS, but you can fetch the calendar data as json format using the API calendar endpoint, you’ll need to somehow parse the data to a column/row format

I am not familiar with the ics calendar format but maybe you can convert that file to CVS

I download the iCal (ics file) and tried to open it in Excel. However, it just comes in as one large column.
(I Googled it, and ics from a Google Calendar is supposed to have the data in columns but not the ics file from Sonarr) …

I have no clue on how to use the json format and parse the data to a column/row format :disappointed:

Copy and paste here

Thanks. We are making progress :smiley:

A couple of things though:

  1. I needed to access the calendar here: http://localhost:MyPort/api/calendar/?apikey=APIKEYHEERE

  2. Only the Shows marked as “upcoming” in the Calendar shows up in JSON, and this was only for the following day (2/14/16 for me). Is there some way to get a week or preferably a month into the future in the JSON?
    Maybe the GET command could be used get a custom date range? Can you give me an example of how to use GET?

  3. The Air date is wrong in the JSON. The Calendar shows two Shows as upcoming; both on 2/14/16. However, JSON shows the first on 2/14/16 and the second on 2/15/16.

To respond to my own post:
I can get a date range more than two days using the following:

This will display Shows from 2/14/16 through 2/29/16 (PST=UTC-8).

However, there still appears to be a bug regarding the Air Date in JSON. I will post this separately.

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