Experimental put.io support

I have started working on put.io support, available on branch feature/putio on my fork found here: https://github.com/datashaman/Sonarr

I’ve yet to get my head around how the tests work, but I’ve got the basics running.

Register an application on put.io, copy the OAuth token, create a new download client in Sonarr, and paste the OAuth token in the settings for the client.

Whenever a new torrent is grabbed, it gets added to your transfer queue on put.io.

I have yet to figure out how to stop it from adding dupes, etc. WIP.

I’d love to see this, and I am willing to help test it out. I’m not a programmer though.

What I’d like to see is that Sonarr would try my usenet provider once, and if it fails try put.io before trying other candidates from usenet.

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