For some reason episodes are being imported from other show folders and renamed. this is obviously making an mess of my television directories.
See below an example from the History Tab
Episode Imported
F:\Television\Downton Abbey\Specials\Downton Abbey s00e01 Behind the Drama SDTV.mp4
Imported To:
F:\Television\The Good Wife\Specials\The Good Wife s00e01 A New Beginning SDTV.mp4
Do you have the drone factory set? If so, which path is it set to?
Where does SAB put completed downloads?
Please post debug logs of the issue so we can see how Sonarr is processing files.
I turned off episode renaming and now it is just deleting episodes. For example:
Episode File Deleted
F:\Television\30 for 30\Season 02\30.For.30.S01E25.Once.Brothers.2010.720p.BluRay.x2.mkv
File was deleted to import an upgrade
I do not have a drone factory folder set.
SAB is putting complete downloads in the default directory:
15-10-14 14:48:58.8|Warn|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Unable to parse file on import: [F:\Television\FnjmUjw7snSnmbEEKlKwsJTKCmluj5s33XQoKtMLEcuYQIbHGaTPQctM0dDRmWw.mkv]
Either SAB is telling Sonarr to import that file, Drone Factory is pointing at F:\ or something is telling Sonarr to scan that folder, either via manual import or the API by a script.
That same message is logged roughly every 8 minutes, which doesn’t match the schedule of Competed Download Handling (that runs every minute).
I don’t see any debug logs here besides the startup (which is always trace logs).
Thanks for the database copy and the logs. Could you enable trace logging and post a few minutes to hastebin?
I’m seeing this odd block of logs:
15-10-27 21:40:37.3|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Madam.Secretary.S02E02.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION'
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. Madam Secretary - S02E02
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Madam.Secretary.S02E02.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: HDTV-720p v1
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: DIMENSION
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Madam.Secretary.S02E02.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION'
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. Madam Secretary - S02E02
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Madam.Secretary.S02E02.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: HDTV-720p v1
15-10-27 21:40:37.4|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: DIMENSION
15-10-27 21:40:37.5|Debug|Parser|Parsing string 'Television'
15-10-27 21:40:37.5|Debug|Parser|Unable to parse Television
15-10-27 21:40:37.5|Debug|DiskScanService|Scanning 'F:\Television' for video files
15-10-27 21:40:37.6|Debug|DiskScanService|3922 video files were found in F:\Television
15-10-27 21:40:37.7|Debug|ImportDecisionMaker|Analyzing 3892/3922 files.
Something is telling Sonarr to scan your entire series library, nothing in Sonarr would do that without some direction to do so, which could be a path coming from SAB instructs it to or something hits the API and tells it to, trace logs will give us more details to narrow it down.
Taking off your comment, it seems like SAB might be running some post processing, even thought they arent currently selected, so I have moved the old SickBeard scripts to a different directory.
As a followup. It was definitely the Sickbeard SAB scripts that were causing the problem. Even though they weren’t selected in categories they were still running for some reason. After I moved them I had no more issues.
It is strange though - Sonarr would look at an incorrect directory/show name and use the correct season/episode info. IE: it would be looking for Downton.Abbey.S01e01 and would import and rename Cheers.S01e01 in its place.
Regardless, thanks to markus101 for helping me troubleshoot this problem.