Excessive API requests

In the past 129 minutes NZBDrone has made 146 API requests to my indexers. I’m running 545 but it also did it yesterday with 519. My sync interval is set to 7 minutes. Any ideas?

Edit: The log shows the RSS Sync running every minute.

Had one report of this same issue last week, can you enable trace logging and let it run for a few minutes and post the logs somewhere? (PM me a link), I want to verify a couple things.

I can.

Update: I changed the sync interval to 10 minutes, I had to exit and restart ND for the change to take affect, which seemed to fix the issue. I’ll have to change it back to 7 min and see what happens.

While we are talking about RSS syncs I noticed that the Newznab indexers I created in Settings > Indexers had an extra argument, “Categories”:[5030,5040], which seemed to send more than one API request per RSS sync event to each indexer. After I edited the DB to make the NN indexers I created look like Dog with “IsValid”:true at the end of the record Setting field the new NN indexers started sending one API request per sync event. Just thought I’d mention it.

Edit: Changing the sync interval back to 7 min didn’t make it change to continuous RSS sync mode. I’ll capture the log the next time it does it and let you know where it’s posted.

RSS Sync interval takes effect on save. The interval isn’t the cause of this issue, but restarting it likely fixed it.

The categories part of the indexers was added post v2 release and is expected, the old original indexers don’t have them added, but thats fine (if you re-saved one of them it would have the categories added), I don’t see two requests being sent to the indexer for each request, both categories are sent in one request (and if its missing from the json in the DB its added anyways).

We made a change that should help address this last night, it is available in release 547.

It updated to 557 last night. So far no issues with the continuous sync mode.

I have also noticed this for a while now but thought it was normal. Most times it is just there when I access ND main page.