Error adding Star Wars Rebels as new series


When searching for Star Wars Rebels it will be displayed in the results however when selecting add Sonarr returns this error:

constraint failed UNIQUE constraint failed: Series.TitleSlug

Running and on another machine I had it added previously so most likely caused by the recent changes, would be great if this could be fixed :smile:


Seems it gets added to the series overview but with no information, when pressing refresh series info/rescan disk it reports:

Task Error: HTTP request failed: [404:NotFound] [GET] at [<hidden from post>/series/270012/all/]

So looks like data issue (old trakt mapping?) somehow as it should report ID 283468:

I noticed that trakt had the wrong ID for a couple of my shows and they were out of date. Removing and reading them is the easiest way to fix it.

Thanks, tried that yesterday but when doing the same today it fixed it so seems Trakt changed something on their end :smile: