Episodes Show as Missing


More than half of my TV shows (202/340) suddenly all show 0 episodes, when I know for a fact (as I checked) all the episodes are still there.

This has happened before, so I clicked the Update Library button, and after a long long time they all came back. But now they are all gone again, is there anyway to fix this so that when I do a full update again, they don’t disappear? The search is very taxing on my system, and I’d really not like to have to do it every couple days…

Nzbdrone is running on a Ubuntu 14.04 KVM virtual machine, which sits on top of a openSUSE host.
The media sources are mounted in fstab with NFS, and the Ubuntu VM starts and stops with my media array. So nzbdrone is never running when the file server is not accessible.

Does it ever occur that the media is not mounted while Drone is running?

The media will always be mounted (in theory) The file servers shares start when the array does, and 5 minutes after the array starting, the nzbdrone VM is started, and the shares are mounted with NFS via /etc/fstab.

I’ve been monitoring the situation looking for stale NFS handles but haven’t seen anything. If the problem is the mounting not working properly, is there an option I overlooked that disables removing the episode if it can’t find it? I know Plex has this option.

Other than that I can try switching to CIFS, or move up my plans to use Docker instead of VM’s.


Please note that the trello card only hides the symptom, if drone downloaded something and tried to import it, it would still go wrong. Which is why it’s low priority.
Best is still to solve your mount issue.

Just be careful, at least with unraid we had some bad experiences with CIFS. Partial file copies, stuff like that.