I have the “Ignore deleted episodes” under the Media Management tab set to “Yes”. However, sometimes the episodes that I have deleted from my hard drive get downloaded again at seemingly at random. Why is NZB Drone still picking them up and how can I change this.
“Ignore deleted episodes” only effects episode drone saw on disk and later they were deleted, not old episodes for a series.
You will need to unmonitor old episodes and seasons to prevent them from being grabbed (you can use season pass to do it quickly for multiple series. More info is on the wiki: https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/Monitoring-Series-and-Episodes
Also having this issue.
I auto purge everything that is older than 60 days with a cron job. Nzbdrone still monitors them and picks them up and re downloads them. Very annoying. I thought it would detect that they have disappeared and just ignore them.
@Yonder depends on your settings, if drone detected the file and its since been deleted you can use “Auto Ignore Deleted Episodes” to ignore them when it detects they were deleted. For episodes without files you will need to unmonitor them per the wiki page.
What do you mean “without files”.
For example i have a show drone downloaded Episode 1. 60 Days pass a cron job deletes episode 1. Nzdrone, redownloads episode 1.
I mean episodes that don’t have files right at this moment, setting:
would have no effect on those episodes, but if a file is downloaded and is later deleted then it would get automatically ignored by drone when it detected the file was missing (after your cron job ran).
Hmm, i have this enabled. However it doesn’t seem to work like that. It still keeps them as monitored. I keep seeing an odd episode here and there get redownloaded.
It won’t work if drone never detected the episode as having a file or was if it was set after the file was already deleted. My first reply on this thread explains this, you will need to unmonitor those episodes/seasons via one of the available mechanisms listed on the wiki page.
But what you are saying is that if drone picked up that episode then my cron deleted it, Drone should unmonitor it.
That doesn’t work.
or was if it was set after the file was already deleted.
My only guess is that the file was deleted before the option was enabled as you say in the second
I’ll pay closer attention.
If the setting was enabled when your cron deleted it, then yes, otherwise no. There are a number of people that rely on this feature and there are tests in place to ensure we don’t break it, so it does work.
Ye i just tested it right now manually deleting then forcing rescan in drone and works. Like you said it must be those files that were deleted before this feature was implemented or enabled.
Yeah, must not have been enabled before, because its not enabled by default and has been in drone 2.0 since its release.
I have this setting enabled by default but it seems that it is still downloading the files that I already deleted sometimes. Drone detects that that particular episode has a file before I delete it because it was the one who downloaded it in the first palce (lower quality) but when I delete it it seems that it downloads the higher quality still. How frequent does it detect that an episode was already deleted? Example is walking dead, it downloaded HDTV 720p first and then I deleted the file and after a few minutes it downloads WEBDL 720p already.
When it rescans the disk, which happens every 12 hours. If you don’t want the quality to upgrade, set your cut off lower.
So that explains the problem because if I delete the lower quality before the higher quality comes out (in a time difference less than 12 hours between the two qualities) then it still downloads the file even though I already deleted the former, correct? Well, I want to upgrade the quality as long as I didn’t watch the lower quality yet but if I did and delete that file already I don’t want it to upgrade anymore. Any workaround on this?
Nothing automatic? Can you modify the scanning interval of Sonarr?
How are you deleting it? Are you automating that?
If you don’t want to get upgrades you can change your profile so no upgrades are done.
We could change it, but there is no reason for most people to have it any different and since its tied to refreshing data from trakt, 12 hours is reasonable to not hammer them. So no, we’re not changing it.
No, this is manually done. Does that explain the issue? Basically, I WANT upgrades. But there are times that I have extra time watch even though they are still low quality so during those events I want to stop the auto-upgrade. That’s the use of the “deleted from disk” option, right?
If you delete them from within Sonarr then they will be ignored immediately.
If you mean Automatically Ignore Deleted episodes, yes thats the purpose of that feature, but it has to detect it was deleted (during the rescan). No new information here.