Episode view - Different colours for Wanted, Download List, Downloaded

Would like to see a breakdown between Wanted, Download List and Downloaded the episode view list view in the number of episode view.

I normally struggle to see which episodes haven’t downloaded or might need manual interventions when the wanted list are to long.

Or give me the option to sort/filter the wanted list by status.

Thanks Rudolph

I’m not sure which page you are referring to, series details wanted: missing?

Maybe something to do with what page you’re talking about, but I don’t know what you’re asking for here.

I assume he is talking under the series view, then under season, then for each episode under the season use a colour code to indicate which episodes have been downloaded vs grabbed vs not downloaded.
I guess it would be doing a similar function as the flag before each episode. I actually find the flag s bit confusing, maybe it would be worth adding a legend for each flag (full vs white).
Just my 2 cents.

Sorry for explaining so badly.
Would be nice in the series view to get an idea of how many episodes have been downloaded, pending or missing. Maybe by showing different colors in the series count will be a nice visual way.So based on the pic you will have green for downloaded. Then another part of the progress bar blue for pending and maybe red for missing. That way I can immediately see when a series is going to downloaded and which series might need intervention or episode not in the queue.

Or another way would be in the missing window a way for me to only filter out the episodes that has a exclamation mark. I don’t really want to worry about episodes that are in the download queue.

This is something we’re talking about, not 100% sure that its what we’ll be doing, but its an idea we’re tossing around.

This is a bit tricky due to how things in the download queue are tracked and the fact that missing episodes are pulled from the database a page at a time, filed it on github and we’ll see if its something we accept.

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