Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): n/a
OS: OS X El Capitan 10.11.4
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue: Caveat - I am new to Sonarr and this could be well understood. If so please point me in the right direction. I added series and am using IPTorrents as my 1 indexer. Every episode from this 1 series has a warning that the “Episode missing from disk.” I am guessing this means that no seeds could be found, however I know there are seeds in IPTorrents. So, is this an IPT issue, or a Sonarr RSS sync/IPT issue? Others are being found and downloading just fine.
It means they aren’t in the series location that was specified when the series was added, if they are actively seeding then you’ll need to let Sonarr import them (which will make a copy or a hardlink), but since it says missing from disk it sounds like Sonarr can’t find them in your download client.
It means they aren’t in the series location that was specified when the series was added
I’m not sure I’m following on the “series location… when added” – do you mean when I added the series and had to pick a Path? Or are you referring to the IPT RSS feed that I am presumably pulling from?
The way it appears now is - past episodes will never download b/c it can’t be found in my download client. Isn’t Sonarr passing things to my download client and that’s how it finds it? Just like new episodes get added?
Do I just need to be patient, or proactively do something about it?
If an episode is missing from disk the file hasn’t been sorted, which is in the location for that specific series, which was chosen when the series was added (or edit the series and check the path).
Not following what you’re saying here.
Sonarr passes things to you download client then picks them up when they finish (assuming they aren’t RARed, if they are you need to extract them).
If Sonarr doesn’t pass something to your download client its because it didn’t appear on the RSS feed (or wasn’t monitored), see the ((FAQ)) for how Sonarr finds things to grab.
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