Hello guys. I am having problems with getting absolute episode numbers to work properly in Sonarr. A yellow triangle mark shows up next to the episode number. I have tried the “update series info and scan disk” button and I have tried removing the (Anime) series and adding it again. The series do seem to have episode numbers on TVDB but they do not get imported correctly in Sonarr.
I am currently using the develop branch but the master does not seem to solve this problem either. Below I have attached a link to a dropbox provided with screenshots of the problem.
Just looking at [Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon] (http://thetvdb.com/?tab=season&seriesid=284402&seasonid=592825&lid=7) epsides 15-18 do not have absolute episode numbers, until those are added and its re-cached by our proxy then refreshed on your install they will be missing.
The TVDB takes about 15 minutes too publish changes when a series is edited and our proxy caches for 1 hour, so it will take about 1 hour 15 minutes until you can refresh it in Sonarr after editing the episodes (make it 1.5 hours to make sense).