Empty folders left behind


Sometimes when I removed episodes or seasons, empty TvShows or seasons folders (or both) are still there.
Is it possible to remove it?
When I delete a season, delete the season folder.
When there no more episodes, delete the whole show folder.

Thanks for your feedback.

The latest develop builds will remove empty season folders when all files are removed from it, but we don’t remove the series folder if it is empty.

My initial thought would be to not delete the series folder once it’s been created as it could negatively affect other applications, but maybe it makes sense for it to do so if Create Empty Series Folders is false.

Thanks for your answer.
Yes for the season it can be a good thing.

I agree with your initial thought but it can be confuse with the Create EmptySeries Folder settings.
May be just a popup like "You removed the last episode of this tvshows, would you like to keep the show in your “Series”?
If no => trigger the series deletion process (with confirm to keep or not the folder)

A popup would only work if it was deleted through the Sonarr UI and probably a bit awkward if they’re deleting an episode file, when they could directly delete the entire series. My worry would be it would get annoying if you’re a watch and delete type of user, but still want the series for the next episode and is only useful in a limited number of cases.

My use case:
Sometimes due to memory issues (or not), I’m deleting a TV Show season through the interface and only keep the last season. This let a empty folder in my storage.
When, through the UI, i’m deleting the last episode of the season, imo a popup to ask if you want to keep or clean the folder, would be nice :slightly_smiling:

The season folder will be cleaned up automatically, at this time I don’t see how deleting the series folder and if we did it would likely happen automatically instead of via a popup.

OK thanks!

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