Downloads get stuck in queue at 100% progress "import failed" but import does not fail and Sonarr has already moved and renamed the files

Sonarr version (exact version): Version
Package Version by
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Version
OS: KDE Neon 5.24
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

  • After a download has completed, the file remains in the queue with progress 100%
  • In the Series, the file has a yellow download icon "Downloaded - Unable to Import: check log for details.
  • In the log I see:
    [Error] DownloadedEpisodesImportService: Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /path/downloaded.file. Ensure the path exists and the user running Sonarr has the correct permissions to access this file/folder

The unusual part is that Sonarr was able to access the file. It actually moves it to the final location, renames it according to the settings and triggers Jellyfin though the API to add the file to the library. So everything is working except Sonarr does not remove the file from the queue. I suspect the log message that is saying the path does not exist is because it already moved it.

The problem is that Sonarr doesn’t trigger itself that it has already moved and renamed the file and the process is complete.

If I go to the Queue and manually delete the file then it shows up as green in the serias screen and everything is fine but I would prefer not to have to do this every time.

We’ll need to see trace logs of the import to see what is happening.

I will activate a trace log and try to capture the event.

I have done some testing and it appears to only happen on a series download. If an episode is downloaded it does not happen.

There is a large amount of time between when the season download is started and the download is finished. The trace log truncates. Around which events do you need the log?

For example, when a new series is added I see this in the info log:

[Info] AddSeriesService: Adding Series [311711][New Series] Path: [/path/New Series]
[Info] SceneMappingService: Updating Scene mappings
[Info] RefreshSeriesService: Updating New Series
[Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Starting episode info refresh for: [311711][New Series]
[Info] RefreshEpisodeService: Finished episode refresh for series: [311711][New Series].
[Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Banner for [311711][New Series]
[Info] DiskScanService: Scanning New Series
[Info] DiskScanService: Completed scanning disk for New Series
[Info] SeriesScannedHandler: [New Series] was recently added, performing post-add actions
[Info] MetadataService: Series folder does not exist, skipping metadata creation
[Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Poster for [311711][New Series]
[Info] MediaCoverService: Downloading Fanart for [311711][New Series]
[Info] MetadataService: Series folder does not exist, skipping metadata image creation

Should the series folder be created at this point or does that happen after the download has finished?

None of the log provided is relevant nor are those sonarr logs…from the log file.

Following the download troubleshooting article and the six simple steps on getting trace logs should help.

DownloadedEpisodesImportService would be a term to look for

I will look for the document on capturing a trace log. What do you mean those aren’t sonarr logs? What generated them if not sonarr?

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