Downloader queue is empty but Sonarr queue is full

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10 and Windows 11
Debug logs: PrivateBin
Description of issue: Currently I run Sonarr and my Media Library on my Windows 10 computer and SABnzbd and Prowlarr on my Windows 11 computer. The downloader would download to my secondary HD on W11 then Sonarr would import things and it seemed to be working smoothly. Then I realized I should have been downloading to my SSD so I deleted the download queue and (foolishly) deleted everything in my temp folder. I changed the download location and started things back up.

When I went back into Sonarr it has a constant queue of over 7,000 items all marked with the yellow exclamation point saying “Pending - download client unavilable”. The queue also takes a very long time to load and runs W10 at a constant 100% CPU. There is nothing in my download client’s queue to delete. I try to mass delete the queue items in Sonarr or ignore them and neither seems to work, and both take a long time to even attempt to remove. I turned off RSS, I removed the indexers, and even removed the downloader to try and get the system to reset (suggestions I saw while trying to fix the problem). I even tried to force download the items on the list, and while some came down, I now often get disk errors after it completes.

I’m basically trying to see if there is something I can do just short of starting sonarr with a fresh install. Thank you.

To anyone that finds this later: I never figured out what caused it and why the issue persisted, but I did find a solution that worked for me. At first I worked my way, page by page, through the queue and write down each title then deleted every show listed. I specifically made sure that the box to “delete the series folder and its contents” was unchecked. Then, when the queue was getting smaller and things loaded faster, I switched to table view and noticed that the shows I needed to delete had + and a number for the number of pending downloads in the episode status line, so I went through and deleted all of them. Once I finally emptied the queue fully, I re-imported everything manually. Now it’s working good.