Downloaded files stopped being put in correct folder

**Sonarr version But this started before upgrading from 2.

OS: Win 10 pro
Debug logs: Sorry I do not know how to add it. It saya below not to add it here.
Description of issue: The other day we had a power outage and when I rebooted Sabnzbd would not run.
Said the INI file was corrupt. I replaced it with a back up ini file I had and it still did not work. I downloaded and re installed Sabnzbd with a newer version set it up and it is working except the downloads stay in the Downloads\Sabnzbd\complete and don’t get moved to the sub folder of the tv show like they did before the power outage. I am using sab with Sonarr. I have looked in the logs for both Sab and Sonarr and do not see anything but I really don’t know what to look for. I have since updated sonar also. The other thing that is not working is the renaming of episodes in media management.
And because the downloaded files are not going to there specific folder Sonarr thinks they are not downloaded and downloads them again.

Thanks for any help

The wiki link that was included in the template has everything you need, you need to upload them somewhere (preferably one of the suggested sites) and then link them here.

Best guess when you reinstalled SAB where the files are stored changed and Sonarr can no longer access them. If Sonarr is running as a Windows service you may need to change the user it’s running as or change how it’s running (this is explained in the FAQ).

Hi markus101
Thanks for your reply. I tried uploading my log file

I have been working on this problem with no luck.
At first when I updated Sonarr it told me I was downloading to the root folder and this is not a good idea. It has been that way for years.
I have changed that.
My sonarr root folder is C:\Users\calvi\Videos\complete
My Sab folders are incomplete C:\Users\calvi\Downloads\Sabnzbd\incomplete
Complete C:\Users\calvi\Downloads\Sabnzbd\complete
I believe Sonarr is running in the tray: There is a tray icon and it is in task manager under background processes.
Thanks again

You need to enable debug or trace logging first. Info level logs are not sufficient.

These logs don’t show any attempted imports.

What do you see in Sonarr’s Activity: Queue?
What is shown in SAB’s history?
Is Completed Download Handling (CDH) enabled in Sonarr?

If nothing is in Sonarr’s queue then Sonarr is not aware of downloads waiting to be imported, this could be due to CDH being disabled in Sonarr or SAB’s history not containing completed items.

Sonarr’s CDH settings:

Under SAB’s Switches settings:

You need to enable debug or trace logging first. Info level logs are not sufficient.

These logs don’t show any attempted imports.
I will look into this, makes sense. Thank you

Sonarr’s CDH settings:

Yes I saw those earlier and just double checked and they are selected. CDH in sonarr and Keep all jobs in Sab.

Here is my debug after changing to debug and downloading SNL
0bin - encrypted pastebin.

2023-04-11 17:13:15.9|Debug|SabnzbdProxy|Url: http://localhost:8080/api?mode=history&start=0&limit=60&category=sonarr&apikey=(removed)&output=json

Then nothing processed after that, either there is nothing there or nothing new worth processing. Activity: Queue will give a hint. If there are things there hover over the icon on the left to see why it’s not importing, otherwise enable trace logging, restart Sonarr and wait a few minutes and post those.

Ok thanks there is nothing in Activity: Queue
I will enable trace logging.
Thank you.

I restarted and forced a download to recreate the issue.
Hope this is what we need.

Here is another log I did not set the last one to last more than a day sorry.

If there is nothing in Activity: Queue then that’s the issue, that is the list of things Sonarr is waiting to complete download then import.

Unfortunately these debug logs don’t show anything except the middle of an RSS sync.

Are these items that aren’t importing still in SAB’s history?
Are they in the correct category?


Are they in the correct category?

Not sure what you mean: category that sab gives them or sonar?
I have never had any Sab categories only Sonarr Standard and Daily categories. We only use it for our TV.
Everything that gets downloaded after the power outage goes to the Sab Complete folder and stays there. Also the file names are what was downloaded.

One more thing.
I don’t know if it is anything but I noticed in the last few logs Sonarr seems to be looking for shows we have never looked for or added.

I was just looking at Sab history this morning and noticed in the drop down info on the downloads.
It shows the path is the same as the one in Sonarr, Series, edit path for each show.
IE. C:\Users\calvi\Videos\complete\The Late Late Show with James Corden is the path in Sonarr and in Sab history info. Should the Sonarr series path be simply C:\Users\calvi\Videos\complete and let Sonarr Add the final folder?

Sonarr by default is setup to use a category in SAB, this allows Sonarr to only see downloads it cares about (and issue if you’re using SAB for other content).

This is how RSS works and is covered in the FAQ.

You want to use separate paths for downloads and sorted episodes. The basics are covered here: Native - TRaSH Guides

Importing troubleshooting is covered here: Sonarr Troubleshooting | WikiArr

Please show a screenshot of the episode history in Sonarr of something that hasn’t imported.

Beyond that trace logs of the request/response getting history from SAB will be the next steps.

hope this is correct

Also when you say " of something that hasn’t imported" ever since the power outage nothing does.

Was that the correct screenshot?

This is my log from Sab


That’s the correct screen shot, but we need trace logs from Sonarr.

ah ok I thought that meant trace logs from Sab

Try This

The wat I did it this time it did not tell me how long it would be available.

Here is a complete log it let me set availability for a month.

2023-04-26 10:16:41.8|Debug|SabnzbdProxy|Url: http://localhost:8080/api?mode=history&start=0&limit=60&category=sonarr&apikey=(removed)&output=json
2023-04-26 10:16:41.8|Trace|HttpClient|Req: [GET] http://localhost:8080/api?mode=history&start=0&limit=60&category=sonarr&apikey=(removed)&output=json
2023-04-26 10:16:41.8|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for 'proxyenabled' defaultValue:'False'
2023-04-26 10:16:41.8|Trace|HttpClient|Res: [GET] http://localhost:8080/api?mode=history&start=0&limit=60&category=sonarr&apikey=(removed)&output=json: 200.OK (166 bytes) (3 ms)
2023-04-26 10:16:41.8|Trace|HttpClient|Response content (166 bytes): {"history":{"total_size":"6.4 T","month_size":"253.9 G","week_size":"27.2 G","day_size":"7.8 G","slots":[],"noofslots":0,"last_history_update":154,"version":"3.7.2"}}

Sonarr’s asking SAB for the history in the sonarr category and getting nothing back, is that the correct category name?

Does SAB how that category in it’s history for one of the items grabbed, but not imported?
for example, I used the category tv.


Sonarr’s asking SAB for the history in the sonarr category and getting nothing back, is that the correct category name?

OK I am sorry I don’t know what category name you are referring to.

This is my Sab category page and it has never had any thing more than this even when all was working correctly

Do I need to create a category here and point sonar to it.

I apologize for my confusion. I set this up years ago and it just worked. :thinking:

Ah I see you are refering to a sonarr catagory.

Should I change the default to sonarr in Sab?

:+1:t3::astonished: I git it working THANK YOU!

I created a sonarr catagory in Sab.

I swear there was no category before. But I could be wrong.
Also before it was downloading everything to the root folder until the updated sonarr told me that was a bad idea.

Thanks again
From an extremely dyslexic old guy who has a hard time reading instructions .