DownloadClientRootFolderCheck error message in Sonarr's Events log

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): running in Docker
OS: DSM 7.0.1
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

On a new Sonarr installation (using Docker), I get a DownloadClientRootFolderCheck error and ArgumentValidator error.

This is my folder structure. It’s worth noting the three successful downloads to were done directly from Download Station, not passed to DS from Sonarr…

These are the values used at setup to try to replicate that folder structure…

If I stop Sonarr and look at the volumes in Docker, this is what I see…

Why do I get the error message “[data/torrents/tv] is not a valid *.next paths. paths must start with /”?

What do I need to change to eliminate the errors and make it run smoothly?

Thanks in Advance :slight_smile:

Two more screen shots in case they help get to the right answer without a lot of back-and-forth.

Sonarr’s System Health page

Sonarr’s Settings>Media Management page…

Please enable trace logging and post trace logs when this error occurs again.

Thanks for your help markus101. Sure, no problem. How do I do that though?

This is covered in the template when you opened this thread:

cool. Let me go back and check that

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