Download multiple versions of one program

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10 Home, Ubuntu Linux 20.04.3, Synology NAS (Windows 10 Pro machine available)
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

I am currently running a single instance of Sonarr/SABnzbd on a Windows 10 Home computer. It is a very minimal machine with a Pentium processor (yes, it’s that old) and 8GB ram so it cannot take on much more work, but it takes care of most of my needs. It is attached to my TV via HDMI, and files are all stored locally. But I have a few programs that I would like to have two copies of. One copy at 4K on this machine stored locally, and the other for my 1080p TV in another location and it has it’s own storage.

I currently accomplish this by running Sonarr/NZBGET On an Ubuntu Linux machine. The only problem doing it this way is that I only need the machine running two or three days a week (and then usually just a few hours at most) so I have to remember to start the machine back up when it has work to do and shut it back down when done. It’s a larger machine with three hard drives and also three monitors, so not very energy efficient when sitting idle more than half the time.

I could also install the programs on my NAS, but I am not conversant with dockers and so I don’t know the pro’s and especially any con’s to using them. I can find out, I just don’t wanna. :slight_smile: . Also, my, and my wife’s, entire lives are on that NAS so I don’t want to risk losing all that.

I have also read some about running multiple instances of Sonarr on one machine via docker, but as stated, I don’t know enough about dockers to use them. That also seems to imply that multiple instances of SABnzbd are also necessary.

Any other options I should be looking into, or am I going to finally have to “discover” dockers?

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