Download Episodes with Specific Words

I am new to the *arrs. I have been using a more simplified downloader, but it had regex style filters so I could specify that I wanted files with 2160p, with HDR and from a certain group.
Is something similar possible with Sonarr?

Yeps, release profiles:

Great, I’ll play with that tonight to see if I can get it to work :slight_smile:

Ok, so I created a Release Profile.
Called it: [SubsPlease] Anime
Must Contain: [SubsPlease].+1080p
[SubsPlease] +100
1080p +100

This one is pretty straight forward and having it apply to all series isn’t a big deal.
However, there are a bunch of series I have split between two groups I’m not sure how to go about it.

I can prob tag the series I want to include for these. (How do I tag, include the full name, partial name? Do I add tags to shows that I put here, That would be really helpful actually)

For missing episodes or upgrades I don’t mind either.
So would I create copies of them that would apply to all series? Would they conflict with the above? I suppose if I did +200 for the tags in the first set and +100 in the second, then they shouldn’t overwrite.

I THINK I have something, I’d like you to review my logic once I put it all together.

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