Occasionally I’ll have a download that shows the bar at 100% but locked. It’s been passed to SAB and shows complete there but hasn’t shown up in Plex. This time I had selected only two episodes out of a season to download.
What is the reason its not being imported? (Shown on Activity: Queue)
The manual reports say, “No video files were found in the selected folder”. I’m not sure what that means. I don’t believe I’ve changed anything and it doesn’t happen all the time.
It means the folder exists, but there aren’t any video files in that folder or any files that Sonarr can figure out what it is. If there is a valid video file in there thats poorly named you can use Manual Import to import it (click the person icon on Activity: Queue) otherwise the best course of action is to remove it and look for another release.
OK, thanks for the quick and clear response. And thank all the Sonarr folks for a really great piece of software.
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