Docker Sonarr not starting?

Sonarr version (exact version): linuxserver/sonarr:latest
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Not sure in the docker file
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Debug logs:
Description of issue: I use docker compose to start my batch of containers. And got a bit tired of FDH in SickRage not working, so I wanted to give Sonarr a go. But it never starts, and I can’t connect. Radarr works fine. but I’ve noticed in my search for an answer to why it dosen’t start that the image name for radarr (and sickrage) just is a hash value. See docker -ps :
What am I missing?

The Docker-Container part:

The output from starting it up is :

Based on the logs it’s starting fine, and it looks like the port is mapped correctly, I don’t see a reason why you can’t connect.

When I go to Portainer, it don’t show any published ports either. So I assumed that something is going wrong. a docker-compose ps gives me the following:

** Name Command State Ports **
**docker_sonarr_run_aedd9c4da8ee /init Up 8989/tcp **
**radarr /init Up>7878/tcp **

It states that it’s up, and the ports are open, but it doesn’t state for whom. i assume is any, but for some reason Sonarr don’t get that. How do I specify which IP’s can connect?**

Secondly, the name bugs me. Why don’t it follow the name I gave it in the compose file?

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