"Disabled for Local Addresses" not working

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: OMV 6 (docker)
Debug logs: Log files after enabling debug and trying to log in locally:
2023-10-21 11:32:28.6|Debug|Api|[PUT] /api/v3/config/host: 202.Accepted (151 ms)
2023-10-21 11:32:28.6|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/health: 200.OK (1 ms)
2023-10-21 11:32:29.1|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/health: 200.OK (1 ms)
2023-10-21 11:32:46.6|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/command: 200.OK (1 ms)
2023-10-21 11:32:46.7|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/command: 200.OK (1 ms)
2023-10-21 11:32:55.1|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/health: 200.OK (1 ms)
2023-10-21 11:32:55.2|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/system/status: 200.OK (33 ms)
2023-10-21 11:32:55.2|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/diskspace: 200.OK (100 ms)
2023-10-21 11:32:56.3|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/log/file: 200.OK (28 ms)
2023-10-21 11:34:16.6|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/command: 200.OK (1 ms)
2023-10-21 11:34:16.6|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/v3/command: 200.OK (1 ms)

Description of issue : When the login configuration is set for “Disabled for Local Addresses”, it doesn`t work, i keep getting the login page every time i enter Sonarr on my local network from a web browser. I have restarted and cleared my caches.

You’re not using a VPN or proxy?

Your local IP falls into one of these ranges?

IP is

I use a proxy for external access. Could this have something to do with local access?

Drop the proxy and test.

That didn’t work, but I cleared all caches/history again, restarted router and server and now it works. all good

I had the same thing happen in the last 24 hours. Interestingly with both Sonarr and Radarr. I had to switch the network from a docker bridge to host.

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