I am testing and comparing NzbDrone with Sickbeard and have switched a few of my TV shows over to using NzbDrone to see how it goes.
The first show I have moved over was Revolution, I was missing 10 epps from season one so though it would be a good test to see how NzbDrone handled the missing and searching for the epps.
If found them mostly but there was one or two that had errors downloading, missing and corrupt blocks, not NzbDrones fault and I thought that is cool now I get to test the manual search, so hit the manual search for the epp that failed and it came back with one hd result, the failed one I had already tried. I thought that was odd so went to the indexer site and manual searched (I am using an newznab indexer, www.nzbs.in) there were a number of results from different sources. I started to dig a bit and found the URL NzbDrone was suing to do the search and compared it to the SickBeard one.
NzbDrone search url
This has 3 results one HD and it was broken
SickBeards search url
This has 8 results 5 of them HD
The main diff is NzbDrone uses the q= and SickBeard uses the RageTV ID rid=
You probably know all this already so sorry if it is known but I was just interested in comparing the search results form NzbDrone and Sickbeard, in this case SickBeard worked better.