Deleting Series Adds Things to Activity Tab

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Windows 11
Debug Logs: PrivateBin
Description of issue: Whenever I delete a series from Sonarr and then restart my computer, some or all of its episodes, or some episodes from completely unrelated shows, appear in the Activity tab – along with a yellow number next to that tab – and I have to delete them from there to clear it out and to get the yellow number to go away. To reproduce this to create debug logs, I deleted a show called Trying and restarted my computer, and then it added 26 episodes to the Activity tab. This has been happening for a long time and even happened with v3. I tend to delete shows via an Android app called NZB360 and I’m not sure if that could be anything to do with it.

This is because when you deleted the series Sonarr also removed all the history for it, which results in anything in your download client that was hidden because of that history suddenly appearing, removing completed downloads from your client or changing the category (if you client supports that) is the recommended way to handle that (and also reduces how much Sonarr needs to process each time it fetches information from the download client).

Within Sonarr → Settings → Download Clients, I have SABnzbd set to use the “tv” category, and every show I download has that category applied to it. Is your suggestion to remove that from Sonarr, or from SAB, or both? I think in the past I tried configuring SAB to not keep completed jobs, but then Sonarr was never realizing when downloads finished, so I can’t do that unless there’s a different way to accomplish that.

Thank you. “Remove Completed” was right below the setting I looked at earlier for the category and I somehow missed it. I think I should be good now with it checked.

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