Delete (2013) and Delete (2023) both seem to be using the same title-slug

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
Debug logs: PrivateBin
Description of issue:
So There is an old 2013 tv show called “Delete” and now netflix has a taiwanese show called “Delete”. The slugs in thetvdb are “delete” for the 2023 show and “delete-2013” for the older show, but sonarr won’t differentiate them.

That’s incorrect anyway, as per thetvdb rules. The original show should always just be called “Show Name” and newer ones “Show Name (year)”.

Yeah, I thought the same thing when I looked at it. But either way it shouldn’t have caused a conflict with sonarr as they clearly have different title-slugs within thetvdb.

Skyhook currently generates it’s own slugs, which is a blessing and a curse, a blessing because these issues will cause problems matching releases, but a curse because it needs to be resolved before the series is added.

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