Delay torrent not working for Anime

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Synology DSM 6.1.6-15266 Update 1
Debug logs: Not yet enabled
Description of issue:


i have Delay Torrent set to 2200 minutes (~36 hours), and i am using torrent only.
It works fine for all my TV shows, however it doesn’t work for Anime only (series type = Anime).

It’s problematic because usually lower quality versions (720p) are posted before higher quality (1080p), and i end up getting 2 downloads for the same episode.
Using Delay Torrent is usually sufficient to avoid that for TV shows.

Has anyone encountered this problem before ?

The series type doesn’t affect the delay.

Screenshots of the quality profile and the delay profile would be useful, in addition to the debug logs of the 720p release being grabbed.

Here are some screenshots of the delay profile:

This is the quality profile by default that i use on that anime, but also on 90% of the rest of my shows:

On this particular occurence the 720p grabbed was HDTV, so not the cutoff.

While looking at the details in the History tab i found something that could be the root cause of the problem:

It seems the age shown is not correct compared to the original torrent.
This particular indexer is used via Jackett, and after checking other indexers i have (via Jackett or not), it seems to be the only one where the age/date is incorrect.

I will check the problem with Jackett directly.

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